My friend told me her wedding date and all I felt was dread
When an old school friend, Charlotte*, asked me to be her bridesmaid just under two years ago, a cocktail of emotions bubbled up inside of me.
I was flattered, of course, and excited too. But I was also immediately filled with dread.
Autumn is Charlotte’s favourite season, so she’d settled on bonfire night, November 5, 2023 for her nuptials. But for me, that was a problem.
Because, every single year, around the beginning of October, my mood shifts like clockwork.
I start to feel trapped by the s...
I was flattered, of course, and excited too. But I was also immediately filled with dread.
Autumn is Charlotte’s favourite season, so she’d settled on bonfire night, November 5, 2023 for her nuptials. But for me, that was a problem.
Because, every single year, around the beginning of October, my mood shifts like clockwork.
I start to feel trapped by the s...